Nice to have you here!
My name is Annette Ringeisen.
I am a wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, and maker of beautiful things. I will be fifty next year and I look back at my life and feel fortunate and blessed. I look forward and see so much more to come.
Having raised 3 children (the oldest is 30 and the youngest 24) and seeing my own children raise theirs gives me a true understanding on how difficult a task it can be. We all want the best for our kids, but sometimes we get swept away with the questions “what is the best?” and “are we doing it right?” We only have one chance at raising them and we will not know how it all turns out until they are adults and on their way to shape their own future.
It is a scary, but a very rewarding path. Enjoy every moment! (Sorry, I got a little swept away reminiscing) My husband and I are sharing our home with the three dogs, a cat, two geese, three ducks and eight chickens.
I love the truth and beauty in natural things and so I use those things that are natural and organic in my creations. I design and hand create usable art mostly out of wool fiber, but any natural material will do. I like to incorporate silk, leather, beads or even wood into my creations, but wool is always the main “ingredient”.
I “work” in my dreams. Often, very often my creations come to me in a dream. I actually work through the whole making of something while I sleep, working through problems and challenges. So when I finally get started I already know what to do. I talked to my father about this (he was an artist) and he said he did the same when he got ready to paint.
Follow your dreams!
I have been taught to knit, crochet and make things at an early age and it has remained a big part of my life. In school I knitted socks, hats, and mittens, sewed aprons and napkins and later when I married I sewed my own wedding dress. This was not my idea at first, but it was a requirement that my mother threw at me. To this day, I am convinced it was a test to see if I’d give up on getting married (I was 17). Nice try mom!
I have been married for 32 years this year (2015) and have been blessed with a man, three children and four grandchildren who support me and my love for fiber and creating. My children all went to a Waldorf School, first in Germany and later here in North Carolina (where I taught Handwork and German for 6 years).
I created toys and wearables for my own children, friends and family and later for my grandchildren. The grandchildren, of course, benefit the most nowadays. I have been selling my creations online since 2006. I have created many dolls, hobby horses, wall-hangings, wearables and decor for children and adults alike. While my daughter and her husband deployed to Iraq, I cared for two of my grandchildren, which left my online business on the backburner.
For years now I have been wanting to grow, but wasn’t quite sure how or in what direction. I have always loved designing, creating, and teaching. I knew these passions had to continue to be a big part in what I do. I have a lot to teach and am so happy to see you here. I hope to see you in class and many of your own creations.
Hope to see you in class!